Game Commands
PostCMD = /post
GlobalPostCMD to post on all servers = /gpost
Check Event times: /event
AddSTRCMD = /addstr
AddAGICMD = /addagi
AddVITCMD = /addvit
AddENECMD = /addene
AddCMDCMD = /addcmd
Allows to player to clear PK status 1kk* Kill
usage: /pkclear
PKClearCMD = /pkclear
Allows to propose a marry to other player
MarryProposeCMD = /prop
MarryAcceptCMD = /accept
Teleports yourself to your marriage partner, usage: /teleport
MarryTeleportCMD = /teleport
Allows to take divorce, usage: /divorce
MarryDivorceCMD = /divorce
Allows to disconnect specified character knowing their character name and account password, usage: /dcfriend
DCFriendCMD = /dcfriend
Allows to define to display all duel and trade requests or refuse all by default, usage: /requests on off
SetRequest = /requests
Allows to clear inventory from all items, keep equipped items, inventory, money and ruud
Clear Bag Command = /deletemyitems
Clear Event Inventory command = /cleareventinv
Decrease strenght command = /decstr
Decrease agility command = /decagi
Decrease vitality command = /decvit
Decrease energy command = /decene
Decrease command command = /deccmd
Example: /decstr 111
Adds all free stat points evenly on all possitions: /addstats
Published by Admin 30/07/2019